Saturday, February 25, 2012

Identifying Your Safety Net

As you work through re-integration (or if you're a Civilian, integration) issues, it's important to have others available when you need them. It's key to find people who care about you. If you don't have family members who can help, you may need to build connections with others through work, social organizations, spiritual practices, online or face to face support groups etc. Below is a place to list the phone numbers of your support system, Remember, even if you're in crisis, and none of your support people is available, you can still stay safe. At the end of the list below, please add the ways to stay safe if none of your people are reachable.

As it's unlikely you have a commander or Brigade Chaplain, civilians will need to alter the following list! 

1. My best friend
2. Local crisis line / MP
3. My partner / spouse
4. My Commander
5. My counselor
6. My Bde or BN Chaplain
7. My Bde PA / my doctor 
8. The family member with whom I'm closest
9. My neighbor
10. My child(ren)
11. If none of these people is available, and I feel unsafe, I can do the following things to keep myself safe until someone is available

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