Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Identifying & Challenging Your Beliefs About Trust

Which of the following statements describes you?

1. I stay away from people
2. I avoid certain activities and if so what sorts.
3. I want to spend my time alone
4. I'm afraid to talk to others
5. I'm afraid to get physically close to others
6. I try to force myself on others
7. I say NO to any suggestion of sexual contact with someone for whom I have feelings
8. I over do taking care of others
9. I have no one to take care of me
10. I am hostile toward others
11. I'm afraid to depend on others
12. I believe others will let me down
13. I am unable to play
14. I fear touch
15. I have trouble making and / or keeping friends
16. I have no friends
17. I can't disclose myself to anyone
18. I don't trust that I'm okay
19. I feel unlovable and undeserving of love
20. I have trouble making decisions
21. I don't believe what others say about me

Now please choose one of your answers from the above questions. The answer is ...........

1. What does it say about you?
2. Now, what does THAT answer say about you?
3. And what does THAT answer say about you? 

The third answer, question 3, gives you your deeply held, self limiting, negative, core belief.

To examine this belief, ask:
1. Does this belong to me or someone else?
2. Does it fit my priorities and goals?
3. Does it fit my values and judgments?
4. Does it make me feel better or worse?
5. Does it create unnecessary suffering in any way?
6. Does it put appropriate demands on me at home, work and play?

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